
ORTH Multimedia
44-200 Rybnik ul. Wodzisławska 112 POLAND
phone: 660 091 847
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NIP: PL 651-160-81-77   REGON: 240346729
Bank account: Inteligo 50102055581111158043200040

Distributors and stores interested in cooperation in the sale of sets I’m going in! please contact us at or using the form on the right.
Produced cartons, as additions to the creation of tactical maps in role-playing games, are not subject to Directive 2009/48 / EC and do not provide for CE marking. Sold products are intended for collectors over 14 years old. For products not marked with the CE mark, the requirements of the Act on general product safety apply (OJ 2003 No. 229, item 2275, as amended).